Fully automated generation of eCoCs from CoC data records

Germany began promoting e-government processes relatively early on. The automotive industry, for example, broke new ground with the introduction of electronic CoCs (Certificates of Conformity) in 2007. Manufacturers comprehensively digitized their processes for all relevant vehicle categories. Since then, the entire vehicle registration process from manufacturer to the appropriate authorities and to the customer can, in theory, be handled completely online. To establish online registrations as a new international standard, the EU issued Directive (EU)2018/858. According to this, all approvals throughout Europe must be carried out electronically via eCoC, effective January 2026. While written form is continues to be accepted it is no longer mandatory. The relevant documents can, for example, be issued in paper form to a customer on specific request. Now, the challenge for authorities and manufacturers alike is to align their existing systems with an internationally anchored regulation.

Distinguishing Problem Features – Your Starting Point.

Solid Foundation

You have established a process for generating regular CoCs directly from your ERP system. You would now like to expand this process with a standard solution for the creation as well as the transmission of eCoCs that is as resource-efficient as possible.

Efficient Expansion

The newly extended process should be automated as far as possible and restructure your data directly out of your ERP into the new format templates as needed. The resulting data package should then be automatically dispatched to the KBA or other European authorities.

The Efficient Extension of your Processes with eCoCs.

Rapidly developing globalization makes it necessary to be able to react promptly to new national and international requirements. However, you can prepare your processes to meet new requirements with minimal extensions. VCX offers you a fast and cost-efficient solution: by using specially developed mappers, you can seamlessly transfer individual data records and formats to new systems. This not only enables the creation of eCoCs but also documents such as national registration certificates. You can also easily adjust your data records for future requirements without having to make changes to the original data.   

Document, country and format-specific templates are stored in the VCX portfolio for this purpose, which automatically place the data transferred from your ERP system in the correct format in the correct places on the new document type. These templates are always updated promptly with new laws and regulations and made available to you in VCX.

Your VCX Integration Goals.

Converting the underlying digital processes of a business while it’s running in full swing can be risky.
However, that risk can be minimized by implementing the required extensions in a minimally invasive manner. If you have an ERP system that is optimized for your purposes, VCX Basic offers you a lightweight extension. It enables you to generate new formats such as eCoCs for your vehicles fully automated from your original data records and transmit them directly to the KBA. As your data structure does not need to be changed for this, you will not have to rely on major changes to your IT systems in the future in order to comply with new regulations.

  • CoC generation and eCoC data maintenance remain within manufacturer ERP
  • System extensions with minimal effort 
  • Complete automation of all eCoC processes
  • Preparation for future extensions

How VCX Basic simplifies your eCoC process.

For each eCoC to be generated, your ERP system automatically transmits the corresponding data record to the Vehicle Registration Services (VRS) within VCX.
A specialized mapper, developed for this specific purpose, recognizes the data structure of your ERP data and converts it into the prescribed format for eCoCs.
From this, VCX generates the compliant eCoC and transmits it directly to the KBA.
As your original data remains untouched in this fully automated process, the eCoC process can already be implemented as part of a VCX Basic Registration Subscription. 

Interested? Find out more about the different VCX versions here.

Elevate Your Business Performance!

Would you like to make your homologation processes more efficient and automate them? I will be happy to answer all your questions in a personal meeting and explain how VCX can support you using a VCX demo version.

Jens Cram

Product Manager VCX

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