CoC generation by EU-based subsidiaries of international manufacturers.

Manufacturers all around the world frequently have to adapt their processes to keep up with changes in the law. To ease the pressure, many international manufacturers separate the responsibilities regarding the handling of their data. EU-based subsidiaries use the manufacturer's data to create the EU documents for the respective product in accordance with the regulations. The sole responsibility for the quality of the data remains in the hands of the manufacturer. Although this procedure is effective, it is, by nature, accompanied by information gaps.

Distinguishing Problem Features – Your Starting Point.

Global Player

While your company produces goods for the European market, your company’s legal home, its headquarters and with that, the responsibility for all CoC-relevant data is located outside the EU

Centrally maintained, locally processed

You want to continue maintaining your data at your HQ. At the same time, you wish to grant access to specific data sets to your subsidiaries so they can create the required documents where and when they are needed.

Homemade Solution

You use an analog solution to manage several markets simultaneously and separately. You are looking for a solution that reliably automates document generation directly on site, tailored to the regulations of the respective market. 

Automated Processes

Maintaining your data manually is time consuming. If regulations change, your workload increases abruptly. In a perfect world, all of  your processes and updates should run fully automated without you doing anything.

The Digitalization of Your Data Management Processes.

Data and -quality gaps often arise because the respective EU service providers are not authorized to view or check the required data and correct it if necessary. In models like this, data sovereignty remains solely with the manufacturer in the respective country of origin. This sovereignty includes the obligation to create the initial type approvals for each corresponding product. VCX closes the data gaps in this constellation: it provides an interface for the independent generation of all EU-relevant documents for the manufacturer’s goods. This interface prevents direct data access on the part of the service provider, while simultaneously guaranteeing the accuracy of the transferred data. That way, VCX supports the secure role-specific outsourcing of document generation to subsidiary companies.

Your VCX Integration Goals.

The cornerstone of a smooth shared data management process is the automated creation, verification and transmission of type approval and CoC-relevant data records to those responsible for the logistics of your products in Europe. To optimize this process, VCX offers you an ERP interface between manufacturer- and supplier systems, which enables external employees to retrieve a complete, country-specific corrected data record at the touch of a button using only the corresponding vehicle identification number. This eliminates the need for direct access to your order systems and avoids time-consuming access control of multiple systems. As VCX is always up to date with the latest legal situation, this solution offers a further advantage: If the relevant documents are created at the end of the manufacturing process, at the same time as the product is delivered to the customer, you can guarantee their absolute conformity.

  • Data sovereignty and maintenance of CoC-relevant data remains with the manufacturer  
  • Documents are generated exclusively within the EU  
  • No ERP access problems thanks to secure interface  
  • Minimal effort for manufacturers and suppliers:  specific vehicle identification numbers are the key to an associated, complete datarecord 
  • Guaranteed CoC document conformity

How VCX Simplifies Your Document Creation Process.

The “Vehicle Homologation Manager” included in VCX is added to your system, which makes data maintenance for your CoC and type approval data records efficient and optimizes the processing procedures.  

With VCX's own “Vehicle Registration Services” UI, the company responsible for the distribution of your product in Europe is granted access to a strictly secured API with the VHM, where it can retrieve the specific data record with the following CoC-relevant information using the vehicle identification number: 

  • Material and features  
  • Configuration  
  • Date of Production

Based on this information retrieved from the manufacturer API, VCX then automatically generates the requested documents with the correct data.

Elevate Your Business Performance!

Would you like everything relating to your vehicle homologation to run automatically - preferably without you having to do anything? Do you want your processes to be simpler and more efficient? If you wish to know more about how to accomplish all of this, feel free to contact me – I might be able to help.

Jens Cram

Product Manager VCX

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